Arya Fitness Gym Burari
Arya Fitness Gym is located in street number 1 of Harit Vihar Colony of Burari area. This gym is adjacent to Arya Samaj Temple. According to our information, Arya Fitness Gym is the biggest gym in Burari area.
Most of the modern machines are also in this gym. There is hardly any machine related to the gym that we do not have. Once you see the gym, your heart will become happy as soon as you see the gym. After visiting this gym once, you will hardly go to any other gym again.
The per month fee of all the gyms that compete with us in Burari area is Rs 1200 to 1500/-, but the per month fee of Arya Fitness Gym is only Rs 800/-. Our challenge is that no one can get such a big gym done in Rs. 800/-.
Special attention is paid to cleanliness in Arya Fitness Gym. Mopping of phenyl and dusting of machines is done every day.
Special care is taken of the dignity and safety of women; CCTV cameras have been installed at various places for their safety.
In most gyms, trainers remain sitting on their seats and boys keep going to the trainer again and again and asking about exercises. But in Arya Fitness Gym, on the contrary, the trainers stand and walk around telling the boys about exercises and keep giving information about diet from time to time.